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Politics, World, Culture, Diversity jonah miller Politics, World, Culture, Diversity jonah miller

Raya and the Last Dragon: Through the Eyes of a Southeast Asian

Disney has produced animated movies since 1937, but they are just releasing their first Southeast Asian Disney princess this year. It might have been decades too late, but everyone still celebrated. There is the anticipation around a trailblazing Disney princess that many girls can finally relate to, until the cast list was released. 

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Politics, United States, Election 2020 jonah miller Politics, United States, Election 2020 jonah miller

Worlds Apart: BLM Movement and the Capitol Insurrection

I have lost count of the amount of times I have heard someone say that since the Black Lives Matter members rioted after the death of George Floyd, the “liberal snowflakes” should not be upset about Trump supporters rioting at the U.S. Capitol. Even the discussions I have had with more politically educated individuals have been based around the notion that both groups’ “riots” were plainly wrong. I am not here to discuss the morality of either sides’ uprisings. There is, however, absolutely no comparing the direct attack on American democracy with the fight for fundamental human rights.  

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India, Politics, World jonah miller India, Politics, World jonah miller

The Farmers Protest, Explained

A Sikh boy in an orange turban clutches a photo of a man bearing a striking resemblance to himself. His father stares empty-eyed out of the picture frame, one out of the thousands of farmers who commit suicide yearly due to increasing levels of debt and depression in Punjab. Each of the thousands of women behind him clutch their own photographs, filled with a loved one who is now lost amid agricultural crises and a raging drug epidemic. Their eyes scream with a collective pain.

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Politics, Religion, Coronavirus, United States jonah miller Politics, Religion, Coronavirus, United States jonah miller

Drifting Away From Church During COVID

Although it was considered relatively safe to go places in my state over the summer as long as social distancing was in place, my church was never safe. They do not follow social distancing; no one wears masks. During the beginning of the pandemic, prominent members of the church shared numerous posts on Facebook claiming that COVID was a hoax and being blown out of proportion as a way for the Democrats to win the Presidential Election. 

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Politics, United States jonah miller Politics, United States jonah miller

Reflecting on the Election Season: DNC v. RNC

The theme of “unity v. division” still applies to our nation, which is so divided that members of the same party are turning into adversaries, and citizens are willing to use violence and fear rather than admit defeat. As long as Americans refuse to see each other as people, and instead see each other as “the enemy”, there will be no compromise. There will be no united country until compassion overcomes hostility.

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Politics, United States jonah miller Politics, United States jonah miller

Struggling To Stay Hopeful: Life After Trump

I value racial and gender equality, climate change, abortion rights, and much more, but it takes a tremendous amount of emotional strength for me to not cry or rage out of anger every time I have conversations about politics or see the most recent treasonous act Trump has committed. Although it makes me hopeful, it’s hard to watch my peers finally becoming civically engaged and passionate about the same issues as me. Sometimes I get angry and wonder where they were a few years ago.

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United States, Politics jonah miller United States, Politics jonah miller

RBG’s Legacy & the Threats Amy Coney Barrett Poses To It

In the US, we've gotten used to conservative judges politely refusing to admit their bias. One need not look far to uncover Justice Barrett's judicial core values. She is a devout Catholic and is pro-life, once a member of her Alma Mater Notre Dames “Faculty for Life” club. She once wrote that court precedents on the topic (including Roe v. Wade) are not “sacrosanct.”

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Politics, Election 2020, United States, Campagin jonah miller Politics, Election 2020, United States, Campagin jonah miller

How I Voted at 16-Years-Old

I asked for 5 minutes of his time to convince him to vote and to vote for a certain candidate for U.S. Senate and another for President. We talked about his three most important issues: racial justice, immigration, and climate change. I talked and talked for five straight minutes, and after the time was up I said, “Are you convinced yet?” It was quiet on his end before he faintly responded and said, “Where do I vote and what do I need to bring?”

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