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Politics, United States, Election 2020 jonah miller Politics, United States, Election 2020 jonah miller

Worlds Apart: BLM Movement and the Capitol Insurrection

I have lost count of the amount of times I have heard someone say that since the Black Lives Matter members rioted after the death of George Floyd, the “liberal snowflakes” should not be upset about Trump supporters rioting at the U.S. Capitol. Even the discussions I have had with more politically educated individuals have been based around the notion that both groups’ “riots” were plainly wrong. I am not here to discuss the morality of either sides’ uprisings. There is, however, absolutely no comparing the direct attack on American democracy with the fight for fundamental human rights.  

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Politics, Election 2020, United States, Campagin jonah miller Politics, Election 2020, United States, Campagin jonah miller

How I Voted at 16-Years-Old

I asked for 5 minutes of his time to convince him to vote and to vote for a certain candidate for U.S. Senate and another for President. We talked about his three most important issues: racial justice, immigration, and climate change. I talked and talked for five straight minutes, and after the time was up I said, “Are you convinced yet?” It was quiet on his end before he faintly responded and said, “Where do I vote and what do I need to bring?”

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