Living in Switzerland

Taleena Chandaria

GENEVA—The land of the snow-capped Alps, Switzerland, is home to Gruyère cheese, delicious chocolate and some of the best watchmakers worldwide. The small country, situated in the heart of Europe, is often somewhat hidden by a mysterious aura: what goes on in the country whose beautiful landscape garnishes chocolate boxes and fills our Instagram feeds? Having lived in Geneva, one of Switzerland’s major cities, since the age of 3, I consider myself to have a strong Swiss identity. 

One of the best aspects of growing up in Switzerland has been the winters. Although the city in the cold months becomes dreary, grey and cold, every weekend, my family and I drive up the windy mountainous roads under the star-filled skies. I wake up in the morning greeted by blankets of glittering snow, the sound of serene rivers flowing, and the breathtaking view of the Swiss Alps. There are few places in the world wherein a mere 30-minute car journey, one can escape the city life and get lost in the snowy mountains. My mum grew up in Kenya, and her father would always bring her back Swiss postcards when he would travel there for work. She would always stare at them and dream of one day being able to visit them. 20 years later she would be able to experience the view for herself, and she always tells me the alps look just as beautiful as the painting on her postcards. There is no denying the true natural beauty of Switzerland. 

Not only are the views beautiful, but there are so many activities that come along with living in a mountainous country: innumerable types of snowsports! My sport of choice is skiing, and skiing with my friends is an entirely different experience. From skiing down slopes as fast as possible, to getting lost deep in off-piste and taking hours to return home, my memories in the winters have been some of the favorites! 

Another trademark of Switzerland is its tiny size! Geneva is such a small city, everyone truly knows everyone! This can be both good and bad: while living in Geneva creates a strong sense of community, it can sometimes feel suffocating to never be able to escape the same group of people. 

Additionally, living in Geneva is a great privilege; Switzerland has one of the highest living standards and is a true melting pot of ethnicities and races. The presence of the UN and many other important international organizations signifies that people tend to be well educated and have both a deep understanding of current affairs and politics. I have had some incredible opportunities living in such a city: I was able to participate in a 2-day Model UN conference held in the UN itself!

However, living in such great conditions can often result in a disconnect from reality. I sometimes feel I live in a “Geneva bubble'', the culture and mentality can sometimes be quite close-minded, people can be cold-natured. It can sometimes be a breath of fresh air to escape it. 

Nonetheless, growing up in Geneva has been a great way to grow up. The tight-knit community, high levels of safety and its overall beauty have, without a doubt made, my young years so memorable. 


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