Politics jonah miller Politics jonah miller


Ruth Bader Ginsburg led an amazing life, but unfortunately, our country is fearful to celebrate her life because of what may come next. September 18th is only 46 days from the 2020 presidential election and 124 days from inauguration, and the Republican majority Senate and the Trump administration are fully aware of the circumstances and the potential opportunity they have here.

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United States, Politics, Feminism jonah miller United States, Politics, Feminism jonah miller

DC's Taboo On Sexual Assault

On September 27th, 2018 at 3:05 PM, when the last bell rings, hundreds of students gathered in the library surrounding various computers. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford was scheduled to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee an hour earlier, which meant CNN Live Broadcast was still going. Silence filled the air as students from around the DC Private schools watched the fate of their alumni. Instagram feeds lit up with stories that say either, “I stand with Dr. Ford” or “I stand with Brett Kavanaugh”.

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