Conservatives Going Grassroots? NC's Political Scramble

Sage Heleana

With election season comes the discussion of diverse political ideologies and future hopes for America. Many of my peers mention their overwhelming support for a patriot, a fighter, and a human form of the United States: Madison Cawthorn. Who is this all-powerful fresh candidate so many North Carolinians my age want in office come 2021? After stumbling upon a rally for Cawthorn at the local courthouse one afternoon, I decided to find the source of this newfound millennials local fame. 

Madison Cawthorn was homeschooled in Hendersonville, North Carolina, where his academic and physical perseverance earned him acceptance into the United States Naval Academy. Shortly before his arrival, a car accident left him paralyzed from the waist down. Approximately six years after his near-death experience, Madison Cawthorn is running for the seat of the former congressman, Mark Meadows. Cawthorn’s hardships turned into accomplishments are the definition of the American dream. , it’s arguable to say the same about his political ideologies, however. 

Cawthorn describes himself as a “Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, Pro-Trump politician who aims to restore faith, family, and freedom into America.” He uses his astounding history, daunting heritage, and young age to inspire the base of his support, with a key focus of protecting America from socialist policies. Grounds for his campaign include attacking liberals such as Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).. But what inspires so many in my generation to support him? On election night March 3, 2020, Cawthorn stated it best: “At the end of the day, the people of Western North Carolina said no, this is a government for the people, and by the people and we will choose who leads us.” He then continues, “The people of Western North Carolina said it is time for a new generation to rise up and to face off against the far-left liberals.” He then closes out his speech with a prayer, asking God for a successful November. Cawthorn’s campaign strategy is exclusive to the demographic of Western North Carolina, one of the many tight-knit, religious, and socially conservative regions within the Bible Belt of the United States. A supporter of Cawthorn’s mentioned to me that seeing him wheel his way to the front pew of the church every Sunday, solidified her support for him. His testimony of growing faith through destruction, and the importance of family, inspires citizens across North Carolina regardless of age, pulling him through the NC District-11 runoff election with 20.4% of the vote, second place.

Ironically enough, progressive United States Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has crafted a similar campaign in terms of supporter age and strategy. While Cortez and Cawthorn are worlds away in terms of the America that exists in their political fantasies, Millennial politicians are banking on the newest generation of voters to expand their ideas past the local level. Similarly to Cawthorn, Cortez has also faced her series of struggles. She’s a second-generation immigrant from the Bronx who has having a BA from Boston University. Prior to taking office, Cortez built a grassroots campaign based in her hometown, the Bronx. She spreads ideas that appeal to one of the poorest as well as most diverse communities in New York: Democratic Socialism. Her ideologies and political stance earned her 57.13% of the vote in her district, sending waves of worry through conservative politicians across the country. Today, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez serves as a United States Representative for New York's 14th congressional district. Her key issues range from Medicare for All to Recovery in Puerto Rico.

Admittedly, Madison Cawthorn grew up with the privilege of homeschooled learning, carefully catered toward his learning style. While he uses his life obstacles to constitute his conservative morals of “individual responsibility and competitive capitalism,” it would be irresponsible to ignore the circumstances he was born into. Cawthorn was born with the privilege of being a white, Christian, man. Is that a bad thing? Not at all. However, it doesn’t give him the right to shout corruption at politicians contrary to him, without acknowledging his own privilege. Whereas Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez experienced barriers from childhood until adulthood in the areas of race, gender, and economic background, all obstacles within themselves, Cortez isn’t shoving “socialist ideas” and “government giveaways” down the throats of Washington’s politicians, she’s fighting for a solution to the systematic issues conservatives tend to gloss over as if they don’t exist. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the voice of diabetic patients who rationalize insulin because they can’t afford it health insurance, women whose bodies are controlled by a male-dominated government, and people of color, like myself, who are faced with a struggle in which there is no escape-racism. 

All things considered, exploiting hardships is not the motive for either of these politicians. Both Cawthorn and Cortez are allowing themselves as well as their stories to be vulnerable attributes to the grassroots movement young voters on both sides of the aisle crave. What makes the emergence of Madison Cawthorn so incredible is the strength that his local platform has to drive him from rural Hendersonville to DC. Grassroots campaigns are appearing in every part of the political spectrum, providing insight into how first time voters will influence politics, ultimately determining the political landscape for generations to come.


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